Using the Remedies to Help With School
The flower remedies can be very useful for helping us to do better in school, both in terms of studying and in simply
helping us to enjoy it more and make the best of it. Nothing can bring someone down quite like spending eight hours
a day in a place they can’t stand to be—as school is to many people—so in order to remain happy and healthy and get
through it all intact, the flower remedies can be used to great effect.
For those who dislike school and hate it intensely, yet still have to be there, there is help. Sweet Chestnut and Star of
Bethlehem are good for dealing with the anguish and despair which can be brought about and exacerbated through
bullying, taunting, and the sum total of all the stress and strain. Agrimony or Mimulus can help with the dread of
having to go to school and face unpleasant things, along with Hornbeam to feel certain we can get through it.
For those who are afraid of certain people or things, Mimulus and Larch can help restore confidence and
courage—traits which often help deter taunting and bullying in the first place. Excessive worry and repetitive thoughts
about school work or the occurrences that take place there can be helped by White Chestnut; and Holly and Willow
can help deal with the anger and bitterness that can come from feeling stuck somewhere we don’t want to be.
Agrimony is useful if we have a hard time telling teachers or family about what we’re going through or the problems we
have, and Cherry Plum is useful to prevent freaking out and losing control of ourselves and acting in negative ways.
As for school work, the lack of desire to get started on projects can be helped by Hornbeam, and the feelings that come
from thinking we won’t succeed or pass a test can be helped by Larch or Elm, as well as Cerato to help give us the
confidence and certainty that we know the answers. Chestnut Bud can help when we’re having trouble learning a
subject or understanding what it is we’re trying to read or comprehend—and Wild Rose or Clematis helps if we just
don’t care. Vervain can help if we’re too ardent and stubborn in our beliefs, refusing to let go or change them and see
things from a fresh perspective.
Oak is useful for if we’re constantly struggling and striving, and have a hard time knowing when to quit working or take
a break from the computer. For trouble waking up or facing the day, or if we simply feel unmotivated to work, Clematis
and Hornbeam can be quite useful. Olive can be good for dealing with the exhaustion that comes from a heavy
workload. Wild Oat is useful for if we’re not sure what course of study to pursue. Rock Water is useful for when we’re
too strict with ourselves, always driving ourselves too hard and working too much. Pine is good for if we’re upset we
didn’t do better on a test or got a bad grade, or for always thinking our work is flawed or sub-par.